DOOMED to eternal unrest is the artist whose impulse is towards sound, noise or, god forbid, music. Betwixt the economies and histories of plastic and sonic arts, the soundS artist is at once learned in the craft and syntax of each realm, yet will inevitably fail to bed steadfastly in either. With their dexter the body of a steed, and their sinister the carcass of a house cat, this hapless centaur, hopeless chimera, has committed themselves to eternal exile, chafing always like a monk draped in woollen shirts between monolithic categories. AND YET! It is here, in this place of eternal unrest the soundS artist grows their power, answering (at worst) to everyone and (at best) to no one…
Art on Air is monthly series dedicated to uninterrupted, unapologetic appreciation for the Sonic Arts. Each episode showcases sound works by contemporary artist, which may otherwise be accessible only in exhibitions, small additions, or simply not at all. Produced by Reece Cox, former producer of INFO Unltd.