Monthly 16.00 – 17.00, with Ben Luton and Sponsor

Inspired by American freeform radio, No Thing Considered pushes back on the argument that discriminating against particular content can protect us from hate speech or enshrines protected speech. Presenting collages from any and all broadcast mediums, each program moves in at least two cardinal directions at once. News and non-news converge on sightless poetry and plays. A trigger warning is deserved.

Ben Luton is an American poet and radio artist. His hörspiel and collages have focused on civil rights, Christianity, anthropology, and personal trauma. He has produced works for radio or the stage with Kevin Killian, Mike Gamble, Proud/Father Simon Lott, Hilde Wolfenstein, and DJ Schlucht. In 2014, he received his M.F.A. from Brown University where he won the Edwin Honig Memorial Award, the Feldman Fiction Prize, and the Academy of American Poets prize.