DE – Radio als Kunstraum untersucht die liminalen Landschaften des Rundfunks als Ausdrucksort der Kunst.
Die Form des Klangkörpers eröffnet performativen und künstlerischen Arbeiten die Möglichkeit, sich in einer nicht sichtbaren, jedoch lebendigen Gestalt zu materialisieren. Dieser Raum wird von Portals und Plus X bespielt.
Mit fünf Sendungen eröffnet Radio als Kunstraum eine Schnittstelle zwischen Kunst, Poetik und Performance. Das Format wendet sich bewusst einem Verständnis von Kunstproduktion als teilbare, akustische Erfahrung zu, in der sich das audiophile Kunstwerk als kaum greifbarer, gleichwohl gegenwärtiger Akteur positioniert. Auf Grundlage des historisch bedeutsamen Potenzials des Radios als visionäres Medium zur Produktion immersiver und virtueller Umgebungen, versteht Radio als Kunstraum diesen Rahmen als eine Dimension, die visuelle Logiken gezielt unterläuft. Soweit dem Kunstwerk in radiophonen Sphären das materielle Gewicht entzogen wird, aktivieren die Soundscapes Zuhörer*innen in ihren privaten Räumen durch den Fokus auf Ton und Stimme. Das virale Klangbild wirkt in Form von Schallwellen auf die Körper der Zuhörenden und erzeugt situative Erfahrungen von Empathie – und trotz räumlicher Distanz, fließen jene einsamen Erlebnisse in ein ungesehenes, kraftvolles Miteinander.
EN – Radio als Kunstraum explores the liminal space of the broadcast as a space for art.
The acoustic realm allows art to emerge and evolve as an invisible yet vibrant material. This space is hosted by Portals and Plus X.
With five radio-shows, Radio als Kunstraum opens an interface to art, poetry, and performance within the acoustic realm. The series departs from an understanding of art as a shared sonic space, rendering the artwork an invisible yet present agent. Radio als Kunstraum aims to set a distinct framework apart from visual logic, building on the legacy of radio as a pioneering form of immersive and virtual environments. In this radiophonic Kunstraum, the artwork is stripped of its material heft. Dissolving and expanding its form on air; Radio als Kunstraum activates listeners in their private rooms, through bleeding solitary experiences.
Transmitted through soundwaves, the viral soundimage resonates with each listeners’ body and enables instances of empathy, embedding distant bodies into unseen togetherness.
Friday 01.01.2021, 18.00-19.00, OMSK Social Club x Alexander Iezzi
‘Utopiates: The Freedom Cell’ is a real game play which features thematics of understanding acid as a primal technology. The work used concentrated LSD to open up a collective experience of artificially induced virtual reality, exploring the collective mind made neurocosmic through social intelligence, technological extensions and radical holographic imagineering. The RGP was created by Omsk Social Club and the sonic recording cut up and sampled by Alexander Iezzi.
Friday 08.01.2021, 18.00-19.00, Candice Nembhard
‘Minutes on the Last Sermon’ by writer, poet, artist-curator and producer Candice Nembhard a.k.a okcandice explores the impact of oratorical traditions within the church on queer contemporary performance spaces. The project features spoken word, gospel music and archival footage. It is dedicated to the late J P Nembhard.
Friday 15.01.2021, 18.00-19.00, Lensbased Class
A collective from Lensbased Class of the University of the Arts Berlin took thirteen separate recorded walks for Passage exhibition. The result is one hour of sonic pathways to walk with one another while being apart; to bring the outside, inside. The radio station plays the role of a medium to connect with the listener’s ears, mind and feet: to go somewhere together, apart… and never arrive anywhere.
Friday 22.01.2021, 18.00-19.00, Isabel Lewis
The piece by Isabel Lewis is a guided experience for collective listening. The multi-sensory occasion creates formats for alternative modes of sociality between human and more-than-human agents. As an embodiment experiment it encourages the listener to connect with their inner worlds in order to become more radically receptive to their outer worlds.
Friday 29.01.2021, 18.00-19.00, Astrit Ismaili
For Passage exhibition, Astrit Ismaili is teaming up with their sister Blerta Ismaili to curate and conceptualise a virtual musical album for their mother Selvete Krasniqi. Belonging to the pioneer generation of female music composers in Kosovo, her work is made available online for the first time. In this intimate, familial conversation, listeners have the chance to encounter their mother’s artistic journey that started in the early 80s and continued until the early 2000s. Born out of times of intense political climate, the tracks are alternating between genres of pop, folk and children’s music.