“Nachtkultur/ Нічна культура” is a residency for electronic music and aims to establish an intercultural dialogue as well as engage young people in social action. The residency first took place July 16 to July 28, 2019 in Kyiv and the second part is taking place November 23 – December 13 online. It aims to foster intercultural dialogue and engage young people in social action.
The global pandemic, itself taking place against the backdrop of a political and economic crisis, has affected all spheres of life, with night culture being particularly hard hit. Given these dire socio-political circumstances, the focus of the second part of the residency program is to establish and revive conditions for continued international communication and cooperation. For three weeks, twelve representatives of German and Ukrainian night cultures will meet with the help of digital technologies, as well as working within studios in Kyiv and Berlin. The residency will be accompanied by practical and theoretical seminars conducted by invited professionals, as well as a series of public radio programs created by the participants.
Organised by Cashmere Radio (Berlin, Germany) and Visual Culture Research Center (Kyiv, Ukriane).
The first residency was a “MEET UP! Pitching winner” in 2019. Both editions of the residency are implemented within the MEET UP! German-Ukrainian youth encounters program with support from the foundation “Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ)”. The opinions expressed by the authors are not necessarily those of the Foundation EVZ. The author is solely responsible for the content.
November 23 – December 13 online and on site in Berlin and Kyiv:

July 16 to July 28, 2019 in Kyiv: