Cashmere Radio and Neptune present “Radio as Social Sculpture” in Naarm (Melbourne).
For Radio as Social Sculpture, Melbourne galleries Savage Garden and Neptune will transform into a live transmission studio, reading room, listening space and concert hall all in one, side by side. The radio will be performed and formed in situ and online, acting as both sender and receiver, enacting radio as social and collective practice.
The program brings together live and curated radio contributions from artists and musicians from Berlin and Melbourne, investigating the disjunctions and overlaps between the two cities.
“Radio as Social Sculpture” is an ongoing special format of Cashmere Radio. This iteration – the first outside of Europe – was curated and organised by Daniel Gottlieb, Jackie Grassmann, Max Grau, Leonie Huber, Amir Saifullin and Inga Charlotte Thiele in collaboration with Savage Garden and Neptune: Adam Gottlieb, Gabriella d’Costa, Bronte Stolz and Jasper-Jordan Lang.
Participating artists and musicians include:
Edward Colless, Sean Dockray, Vincent Lê Edward, Adam Gottlieb, Daniel Gottlieb, Jackie Grassmann, Max Grau, Nathan Gray, Leonie Huber, Daria Hetmanova, Simon J Karis, Jasmin Wing-Yin Leung, Inga Charlotte Thiele, No More Poetry, James Parker, Max Parnell, Sara Retallick, Amir Saifullin, Joel Stern, Snacks Orchestra, Darcey Wedd and many more.
Join us for the day IRL or via URL worldwide at www.cashmereradio.com
This program was made possible with the assistance of Berlin Senat für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt
Poster by @armanihollindale