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Weekly Schedule (CET)

Signals 2 Noise

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Signals2Noise is a major gathering of independent community radios from Europe to be held in Berlin. S2N focuses on the exchange of experiences and collective artistic processes with Eastern, Central and Northern European community radios. Community radios have a long and complex history as a medium and an important, if largely underestimated, position within the wider cultural and media landscape. S2N aims to highlight the many aesthetic, musical and social processes that emerge and unfold around alternative radios. S2N is the result of a collaboration between Cashmere Radio, an experimental radio station based in Berlin-Wedding, and Easterndaze, a platform for the exploration and dissemination of Eastern European cultural and music scenes. S2N builds upon two editions of Easterndaze On Air, a remote exchange between community radios, which took place in 2021 and 2022. A number of community radios from the Easterndaze network are taking part in S2N, together with radios from the nordic-baltic Independent Community Radio Network (ICRN), as well as several radios participating for the first time, making a total of 14 radio stations. Together, members of the community radios will undertake an 8-month collective co-production and co-curation process. This will culminate in an 18-hour public event and broadcast on the 4th October 2024, in Berlin-Wedding where the productions developed over the previous months will be premiered alongside other contributions curated and invited specifically for this program. These include works by researchers, artists, radio makers, musicians and collectives whose practices revolve around the diverse constellation of media practices and experimental radio.

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